
This disclaimer applies to the use of the www.alloptions.nl website (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Website’) of All Options International (hereinafter referred to as ‘All Options’). By using the Website and using the information provided on it, the user signifies his or her approval of this disclaimer.

Use of the Website

Information on the Website may not be copied, distributed, published, transferred, reproduced or made available to third parties in any other way without All Options’ express written consent.

No licensing rights or rights of use of any kind (except for personal use as described above) are granted to the user of the Website. All Options retains all rights (including all registered property rights as well as the rights to all non-registered brands, copyright, texts, graphic material and logos) in relation to the information and services presented on the Website.

Links to other websites

Any hyperlinks to websites of third parties do not imply an endorsement by All Options of any material, services or products contained on these websites. All Options can not be held liable for any of the content or information on such sites.